Deisy Fernandes, Ph.D.

Mentorship Committee

Deisy is an Assistant Professor at University of Utah since August 2022. She was Presidential Diversity Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemical Engineering at Brown University. She started her undergraduate studies in Brazil at the University of Sao Paulo and finished her BS in Chemical Engineering at UIC. She has had a variety of research experiences during her undergraduate studies in Brazil, and now in her graduate and post-graduate work in the US. She received her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago, June 2015. She loves working with nanomaterials for nanotechnology and bio-sensing.

During her Ph.D., she received many awards, such as The Passage Program and Bridge to the doctorate for her first two years of graduate school. In her first year, she was awarded the Graduate Research Fellowship Program from NSF (GRFP), in addition to the NSF Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW) fellowship, which allowed her to research in France at the University of Bordeaux for 6 months as part of her Ph.D. thesis and was featured in an advertorial in Science Magazine. She has won awards for research presentations, including American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AIChE) Presentation Awards in the Chicago Section in 2017 and 2018.

Born and raised in Brazil she is passionate about outreach and working with underrepresented groups. She was involved with outreach with many organizations such as the Society of Women Engineering, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineering, and Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science. In addition to participating in panels such as at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) - “International Collaborative Research: An Important Supplement to Academic and Professional Training” (Nov 15, 2019), Louis Stokes Midwest Regional Center of Excellence (LSMRCE)- Voices of Success Panel Discussion (Oct 26, 2019), UIC College of Engineering Advisory Board- Panel for Woman Programs (Oct 07, 2019), and Dare to Dream: Get Educated, Build the Dream STEM Conference, Fermilab National Laboratory (Apr 14, 2018). She has also won the UIC Chancellor Student Service and Leadership award and the Eugertha Bates Memorial award.